job opportunity..
shit mann.. one will nvr go out of job..
on n off.. ppl will come up with mistakes n it'll keep u bz (thus making sure u'll keep ur job for a while coz there'll b endless of tis kinda stuff to settle)..
like for no reason the bank call up.. intro u an insurance(by the bank's insce side)..
so they get the a/c no. from their card centre (coz bascially they r same co.) to deduct the policy premium..
then few mths later.. they sent u a letter saying they cancel the policy coz they cant deduct any premium..
call the insce side.. they say they got a/c no. fr card centre.. mayb card centre give them wrg a/c no.
call the card centre.. they say the a/c no. is not valid (which is not surprising coz we cant trace the a/c no.).. n also say that insce side might hav take down the wrg a/c no.
CRAP!!.. so who fault izzit now?!.. IT IS YOU PPL who want to sell us the insce n earn our $.. OK!!! so i hav to make sure u get the right a/c no. n BEG YOU to deduct my $ izzit!!
stoopid corporate world.. tink we shd jus do W/O the policy..
blar.. i SHD jus go teach in some third world country..
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