'corporate life' classroom
SALESman will happen to be nearby your office.. n jus drop by w/o any of ur company profile.. then declare "i happen to nearby, so i jus drop by.."
thereafter.. some will say.. dun worry.. i'm jus tot i'll pop in to c if u wanna hav lunch toge.. then conveniently sit down n ask you how the ting gg n whether u wanna any info. fr them.. since they're here..
some more direct (i suppose the more experienced ones).. will jus declare.. then also conveniently sit down.. then dish out something (*read - data/notes/info. all ready in hands, but ya still no co. profile stuff).. n then go on the ask u wat's the current prob u r facing.. n where he can help.. since they're here..
today's lesson:-
SALESman WILL always happen to be nearby ur office..
ponder over:-
will they b nearby after u sign the sales proposal..
will they b jus pop in to say hi.. hmm.. *deep thought..*
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