since yr2000.. i spent my hrs gg for an impossible exam.. after doing it On n Off for 4yrs.. n only achiving 7 out of 14 papers(it is NOT 50% left coz rem the starting paper shd b easier then the later part)..
so i decided give myself a real break from the horrors of self demoralisation.. yr2004 i adopt a wait n see attitude.. by mid yr i was sure that i shd not let exams kill my self-esteem.. but at the same time.. i discovered the papers i pass can b of use toge with 1yr experience..
now 1yr later(not gaining the experience yet.. but writing the experience shdnt b a prob!! =P).. i was told i still lack of 1 paper.. now it was a printing mistake on that official magazine(giving me the illusion i'm qualified).. anyway now the qns is.. slog for another paper (toge with alot of fees to pay) to get a might-not-b-used qualification??.. OR jus flash the 7 papers' Passes down the toilet bowl n forget abt the whole thing??.. sigh.. wat wld u do.. ARGHHH...
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